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Sunflower Hulls Trick & Gardening with Hot and Cold Temps

Sunflower Sprout Tips and Tricks:

Ever wonder what those little black things are in your bag of sunflower sprouts? Those are the seed hulls that came off the sunflower seed so the seed could become a plant. Sometimes the seed hull likes to stick to the first leases, the sprout, and you are then blessed with the TOTALLY certified organic, non- GMO, locally grown, tooth pick tasting sunflower seed hull.

So how do you get Sunflower seed hulls out of your sunflower sprouts? Oh, you already know the answer to this you smarty. The seed hull is like a toothpick, wood, IT FLOATS. So, place your sunflower sprouts into water, stir and watch the hulls come to the surface of the water, pick them off and voila, no more toothpick tasting sunflower hulls in your sunflower sprouts. See, you already knew this, didn’t you. Now you’re rollin’!!

Prepare for Hot and Cold Temps in the same day!

Garden Calendar: It’s mid-April and spring is moving into summer. Time to do a deep watering, 12” down. Then test the soil using your water probe to make sure the water is into the soil 12 inches. This will help protect your plants and seedlings during the hot April days. Then, protect young plants and cold sensitive plants like young Basil during cold winds, especially cold night winds. Young Basil may not do well under 50*F. Yes, you’ve got it now. It’s time to prepare for hot and cold. Now is the time to ready your shade cloth and row cover for action and get the latest weather news daily! OK, you Beautiful Gardeners, you are now on a GARDEN QUEST!! So, onwards and upward, EXCELSIOR!!

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