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Do Your Best Dance

Beautiful Gardeners,

Welcome to summer! The wonderful night blooming cacti have blossomed their one night of the year and that is a sign monsoon is coming. Monsoon gives us a second spring, but instead of peas and lettuce we plant corn, squash, Armenian cucumbers, okra, eggplant, Chinese yard long beans, melons, peppers, Malabar spinach, soon tomato transplants and yes, PUMPKINS for Halloween! Just look at your planting guide. It’s time to plant everything that will germinate at a soil temperature of 70*F and higher.

What, you haven’t started your garden yet? You went on vacation? Good for you. Now that you are home, you can follow nature’s way and start a garden now! You can install your garden in 20 minutes if you attend my workshop “INSTANT GARDEN.” Then, when you see rain clouds coming, start a big bonfire with lots of leaves, do your best dance to the north, and Mother Nature will bless you with the monsoon. She will deliver to your new seed and transplants, extra lifegiving water! Beautiful Gardeners, science has proven this one true. So, do you best dance and grow all your favorite summer veggies!!

Life Giving Water

Water isn’t just a monsoon occurrence. We are as adults 70% water. Our bodies purify most unwanted toxins we come into contact with or ingest along with food, with water. So, what do you do when you have only tap water at home? Many people buy bottled water. Water that has been gathered from a spring or in some way structured and/or purified.

Spring water is great if you want to spend the money.

Structured water is a very nice thing too. Structuring water is any process that fluffs up the brokendown water molecules. This is necessary because water, sitting around in bottles, or banging around in water pipes, causes the water molecules to become fractured. Ouch! Fractured water does not taste as good and cannot function as well in the body, in plants or anywhere! So how do you know this is true? Taste some water that has been in a bottle for a long time. Now get two glasses out and pour the water into one glass. OK, now quickly pour the water into the second glass and repeat quickly, 20 times. You have now healed your tasteless fractured water. Now taste. Doesn’t it taste better? Now, it will help you purify yourself and help you feel better, not to mention tasting better.

Back to the tap water. I told you how to make it rain more, heal water and that is still not enough to get good water. If you have simple tap water, you will most likely need to get a purifying system or purchase your water. There are many systems out there. So, to keep it simple you may choose, as I did, to buy reverse osmosis water. Check out the process.

A Picture is 10,000 words here. Pretty efficient don’t you think? It doesn’t get out all the pharmaceuticals put into the water, almost nothing can. But it does get rid of most water issues

And RO water is STILL not enough! RO water is BLANK water. This does not work for humans. We evolved drinking natural water with minerals and more. How do we re-mineralize RO water? I put a tiny pinch of pink Himalayan salt into my 5-gallon water jugs. Then I use it for drinking, cooking and I also use it to grow all my sprouts and microgreens.

So, there it is. I have taught you how to make it rain, heal, (structure) water, then remove most impurities with Reverse Osmosis, then re-mineralize your water, inexpensively!

Pretty good😊

Don’t want to garden? Then your best bet is to head to your favorite Farmers Markets. This Saturday Garden Goddess will be at both Rincon Valley Farmers and Artisan Market and Steam Pump Ranch in Oro, Valley!

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