Wit and Garden Wisdom….Weeds Rule!!
I had planned to do an article on the numerous nutritional values and benefits of fenugreek which include anti-cancer, anti- inflammatory, grows hair on bald heads, increases lactation, helps libido and reduces many sexual dysfunctions. In fact, when I list the benefits of fenugreek I think of the old snake oil salesmen of the wild, wild west. They would travel from town to town offering potions and oils to anyone that could purchase. They described what folks were suffering from accurately, however the outcomes were often disappointing. Well Beautiful Gardeners and Foodies, from the studies of scientists, physicians, nutritionists, herbalists and veterinarians I just read, fenugreek mightily takes on the challenge. It actually does what the snake oil salesmen promised. So, I have mild and tender fenugreek water sprouts for all of you this week at St Philips on Sunday. Then next week I will write out for you the incredible benefits of fenugreek.
So now the epiphany that distracted me from writing about fenugreek.
All this information I have been getting from gardening, Permaculture, Permaponics, nutritional evaluations of sprouts and their impact on the body lately has made it possible for me to see through a few aspects of life, the oneness of the universe, in action. And it is easy to explain and common sense.
Weeds….yes weeds….WEEDS RULE!
Let’s back up a minute. The planet was built using allllll the elements on the periodic table, maybe more, from all over the universe. These elements function by the same universal laws whether it is in water, stone, plant or animal. A carbon is a carbon no matter where it is.
OK…… plants get a full spectrum of nutrients, antibiotics and more from the soil
People get a full spectrum of nutrients, antibiotics and more from the soil and food growing in soil.
When plants are mishandled, weeds take over to correct and repair the soil.
When bodies are misused, we use the same “weeds,” that repair the soil to repair the body.
As a Master Gardener I know, you can diagnose the soil by what kind of WEEDS are growing.
I know as a Permaculturist you get WEEDS after applying pesticides and herbicides…which creates biocide of all living things except WEEDS that adjust and come to repair the soil.
I learned from my herbalist mentors, that what we call WEEDS, that repair misused soil, are the very same plants herbalists use as tools to aid and cure the body.
So, BG’s and Foodies, face the North and do you best dance in thanks for WEEDS.
And that is the oneness of the earth in action!